About Us

Beowulf Strategic Operations is a community of likeminded people who enjoy playing arma in a style that we call "tactical realism". In essence this means that in game we strive for a realistic environment but once the game stops so does all the realism. Outside of arma there is no concept of ranks or a "chain of command" here, all members are on an equal footing with each other.
Beowulf was formed to create a realistic but still fun and enjoyable environment in which to play arma. However, it should be noted that arma is not the only game that we enjoy playing together. We feel that having a strong sense of community increases the quality of arma sessions. To this end we play pretty much anything together if people have it - no matter the genre. For example we frequently play RTS' and grand strategy games (such as Stellaris) together!
We are a very open community, we do not have any requirements regarding attendance to sessions. Our goal is for everyone to have an enjoyable time, even if they just drop in once in a while or join us for every session.

Our Mods

To achieve the sort of play style we aim for we use a series of mods (both made by our community and the wider arma community), included in these mods is CUP Terrains, ACRE, RHS and a number of custom made factions.

We feel that mods should not be a barrier to enter a community. Therefore we use an open source tool created in house - Beowulf Sync Utility - to facilitate downloading our mods. This tool was born out of frustration with the alternatives, and in our testing it has proven to be very fast and reliable.

To find out how to download our mods please check out the guide to setting up your arma client on our wiki.

Our Sessions

We play arma (at least) twice a week, on a Wednesday and Sunday.

Our sessions start promptly at 1900 UK Time (GMT)

We ask our members to be present on TeamSpeak prior to this time to enable us to start promptly, we start to congregate from 1800 onwards.

Playing With Us

As previously mentioned we are a very open community, to play with us all we ask is that you get in contact with us. This is so we can ensure that we are a mutual fit and so we can help you set up our mods.
To do so, just come join our Discord!

Contact Us

If you wish to get in contact with us for any reason then please do not hesitate. We use Discord and TeamSpeak for our communication. Joining our discord is the easiest way to contact us.